Today we want to share you uppercase and lowercase letter worksheet. As you know uppercase and lowercase letter must be expert by pupil.

Before go to our topic today, i would like to share with you all about Covid 19 new in Malaysia. Covid 19 in Malaysia become better and better from day to day. Alhamdulillah.

But the school still close rite now. We as a teacher understood that Malaysia Government action like that because they love our generation. They don’t want new generation in Malaysia affected by this new pandemic. Until this article wrote, no other country have make a medicine to kill this Covid 19 virus.

We hope and to Allah that the expert reseachers in this can find medicine for kill this virus. We hope you also pray ok.

When the kids must be expert in uppercase and lowercase letter?. Good question.

The kids must expert and know different between uppercase and lowercase letter when they in preschool. Yes! In preschool.

Because when they start in Standard One, the teachers when go to another topic in English.

So, for parents and teachers, you must try the best to make sure uppercase and lowercase letter in your kids and pupil minds.

And now, we make a uppercase and lower letter worksheet to all parent and teachers.

Download and try to teach our generation about this topic. And make sure, only download from our website.

We hope your kids and pupil will expert and understand different between uppercase and lowercase letter. See you soon. Muaah..

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lowercase and uppercase letter worksheet lowercase and uppercase letter worksheet 1 lowercase and uppercase letter worksheet 2 lowercase and uppercase letter worksheet 3 lowercase and uppercase letter worksheet 4 lowercase and uppercase letter worksheet 5 lowercase and uppercase letter worksheet 6 lowercase and uppercase letter worksheet 7 lowercase and uppercase letter worksheet 8 lowercase and uppercase letter worksheet 9 lowercase and uppercase letter worksheet 0

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